
  • Left click to dash
  • Escape to pause the game


  • Slimes will periodically spawn around the map
  • Sweep up exactly one slime with a dash to instantly spawn two more
    • Doing this repeatedly in a row spawns two more than the last time, i.e. spawning 2, 4, 6, etc slimes
    • Sweeping up more than one slime with a dash will reset your streak
  • Sweeping up more than one slime with a dash only spawns one more slime


  • Sweep up as many slimes as you can in one minute
  • Have fun


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This was a lot of fun! a bit more polish and i could see this being a nice addictive phone game. Just a thought but maybe make something where you could get more time? so maybe getting singles adds more to the board and adds more time but getting a group speeds up the time drain, making it a balancing act between building up a lot and then scoring as much as you can without running out of time.

Thank you for playing :). I intend to work on this a little more as I still feel like it fell short of what I imagined, but for now I'm just happy that there are people who've enjoyed it.

Your suggestion of adding time when one slime is killed is something I considered adding, so hearing it from another person definitely makes me want to add it now.


It's really fun to try and get a bunch of single slime, then sweep randomly and chaotically to get a bunch of points. I also like that this game doubly adheres to the theme, since you want to get ONE slime, and there's effectively only one button. It's a bit chaotic however, since holding down left click will initiate a new dash if you're touching the wall, meaning that certain dashes require an slightly uncomfortably small button press. Overall, I like the game.

Thanks, I'm gonna work on balancing and polishing things up now. Do you have any suggestions?